Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Missions Trip Planned:South Haven Homeschool Group Goes to Mexico

We have a wonderful opportunity to go as a group to Mexico on a missions trip in May. We are very excited.

We have alot of planning to do. We plan to take the good news of Jesus Christ to this people. But we also plan to take 50 five gallon buckets filled with rice and beans to give out to families.
These people are very poor and the food means so much to them and more than the food, the five gallon bucket is like gold to them. They use it to store the food until it is gone...a secure place that the rodents cannot get to the food. Then after that purpose is spent...they use it to carry water, bathe their children...and for other purposes.

We estimate that each bucket will cost approx $15.00 each.

We are asking that any folks that wish to...sponsor a bucket.
Just make a donation to sponsor one bucket, two buckets or just a half of a bucket.

We will be making more entries to tell you more about our plans and fund raisers we are having.


  1. Who is heading this up? Will Pastor or the Patino's be involved?
    I'd like to hear more.
    Thanks, Tammy Wright

  2. Ms. Melissa Pommerening is in heading up the details on this end and Mr. Jerry Pommerening is the a part of the group that is taking us from Texas. For details you can contact Ms. Melissa or email questions to rlcprancingponyinn@hotmail.com and I'll forward your questions to her.

